KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg

KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg

KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg


The Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg (KFA) promotes both the distribution and public awareness of short films. It was founded in 1992 and has its roots in the NoBudget Short Film Festival (since 1994 known as Shortfilm Festival Hamburg). The KFA considers itself as a connecting link between filmmakers and consumers. Key areas of our work focus on Short Film Distribution, Short Film Sales and the organization of the Shortfilm Festival Hamburg and the Mo & Friese Children’s Shortfilm Festival. We also offer Shortfilm Classes and a Shortfilm Shop (Vimeo), as well as being active in many other projects. Another task of the KFA is the curatorial and consulting work that we carry out for film festivals, local and international institutions and private companies. We also perform film research, procure screening copies and operate as a cooperative partner for cultural events. Furthermore, clients can take advantage of the KFA’s many years of experience, its excellent connections in the film industry and the extensive Shortfilm Archive and Shortfilm Database. As a founder and board member of the German Short Film Association (AG Kurzfilm - Bundesverband deutscher Kurzfilm) and the Short Circuit (European Association of Short Film Distributors) the KFA is both an important juncture of short film and player in the international short film-related network. In these roles, the KFA exerts influence on film politics and is one of the most important institutions of its kind in Germany. The KFA's work is supported financially and in non-material ways by various film and culture institutions, especially by the Hamburg Arts Council and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

