Underexposed Film Festival yc

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**3/12/2020 PROGRAMMING UPDATE | DUE TO THE CONCERNS SURROUNDING COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS), THE 2020 UFFyc HAS BEEN POSTPONED. NEW DATES WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON.** The Underexposed Film Festival yc seeks diversity in storytelling while encouraging, nurturing, and supporting the creativity and vision of independent filmmakers. Here, both experienced and emerging filmmakers are provided a forum where their work can be viewed, their voices are heard, and dialogue between the two is encouraged. The UFFyc sets itself apart by actively seeking the “undiscovered talent” waiting to be exposed. The UFFyc showcases the best in indie filmmaking from across the world. It focuses on strength in storytelling, screening films that break down the fourth wall and envelop the audience in the story. Filmmakers often share their experiences during question and answer sessions, giving festivalgoers a glimpse into their vision and process. In 2020, the Underexposed Film Festival yc continues its focus on high quality, independently created short films where all films submitted will be in competition. In March of 2020, filmmakers and enthusiasts will converge upon Winthrop University in Rock Hill, SC to be exposed to, engaged with, and intrigued by films that leave the audience with a greater worldview. Independent filmmakers across the world are invited to submit professionally presented films with a runtime of 35 minutes or less to participate in this juried competition. Films screened at the Underexposed Film Festival yc MUST be York County, SC festival premieres.


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