The Córdoba International Animation Festival, also known as ANIMA, is an academic and cultural event held in Córdoba, Argentina. The festival is dedicated specifically to animation in its artistic and technological dimensions. The first edition of ANIMA was held in April 2001, and it has been held every odd year since then. However, starting from 2022, the festival has become an annual event.
ANIMA is the main animation event in Argentina and is also one of the most significant in Latin America. The festival gathers a diverse community of animators, filmmakers, designers, producers, and visual and audiovisual artists. These participants come together for three days of panels, seminars, exhibitions, screenings, and networking opportunities.
The festival is competitive and presents awards in various categories including short films, feature and medium-length animations, and commissioned animations. These categories encompass a wide range of animation forms such as fictional animation, documentary animation, non-narrative/abstract animation, animation for children, student animation, immersive animation, animated series for TV or web, music video animation, promotional or advertising animation, video game animation, and animation for educational or scientific means.