The Animation Studio Festival celebrates animated films of all countries, sensibilities, techniques, genres...
We love animated movies, whatever their style and pace.
Our festival takes place in Paris, in the heart of the French Revolution: BASTILLE.
Our selection is based on love, emotion, and great talent. The movies we chose to select are creative, sincere and powerful. They drive you somewhere else, or deep inside so you can feel, learn, be surprise, laugh, discover a new perspective.
We are a human sized festival and event. You can talk with us, contact us, you will be answered.
We offer 2 exclusive categories : Best Story, and Best Design.
Sometimes the story you have is amazingly beautiful, but you cannot achieve yet your vision. We can notice that, and we want to encourage you with this award.
On the other side, sometimes our are such a talented creative artist, but the script you have may not compete with others regarding some points. We can notice that too and reward your achievement in design.
We accept all genres of animated films.
We write reviews and publish our selection on our website.
The Animation Studio Festival is an independent event putting together an international competition of talented filmmakers and groundbreaking stories, from traditional hand drawing to the new century techniques of design. See the categories here.
We love animated films, and we want to celebrate those who make them.
Watching the films, selecting them, picking the best, the most emotional, the astonishing works of design, then to screen the films and reward them with recognition, a certificate of great achievement, and push the artists to keep going and make a new film.
Animation, when you start, most of the time is something of a lonely creative process. Showing your film may be your goal : we believe it is a necessity. And talk about it. We want to know how you did it, what great work and amount of time you put into it, how you did manage to create that piece.