Avalonia Festival of Short Films etc. is an international competition with a variety of genres for every filmmaker. Our genres have three "run time" divisions for Shorts (21 minutes & under), "180" (3 minutes & under), and 1-minute movies. The shorter your film and the earlier you enter, the lower your entry fee! You may enter your project into more than one category and you may enter as many projects as you wish (each project must be entered separately, of course!)
HONOR. CELEBRATE. PROMOTE. This is the mantra of Avalonia Festival, a film festival you can trust! Low entry fees and a website that actually HONORS, CELEBRATES, and PROMOTES you and your work as a filmmaker, photographer, and Actor!
Despite a worldwide pandemic, on November 7, 2020 we hosted our Fifth Live Event in Ormond Beach, Florida, USA to compliment our interactive website of Avalonia Award Winning Short Films, web-series, film posters & photographs, Actor reels & more.
On November 6, 2021 we returned to Jacksonville, Florida for Avalonia Festival VI, with filmmakers from Orlando, Florida and Ormond Beach, Florida driving up to attend and share their films. You can see photos and videos from the event here:
Avalonia Festival will not be denied.
We had our fifth Live Event on November 7, 2020 in Ormond Beach, Florida, USA to honor our 73 Award-Winning "Short Films etc." of Avalonia Festival V. Photos & videos from Avalonia Festival V are here:
We aim to help our Award Winners add resume-building Award credentials that are shared and celebrated through our website, social media outlets, and our annual Live Events. For those with projects accepted, we encourage you to share the word that you are part of the Avalonia Festival community.
We believe in Avalonia.
We believe in Excellence in Artistry.
We believe in YOU; the Independent Filmmaker and Artist.
Go to the home page on our website (hyperlinked on the left side-bar) or copy and paste the below URLs to experience Avalonia Festival I, II, III, IV & V to see how we HONOR, CELEBRATE & PROMOTE our Winning Avalonia Filmmakers Etc (and how we've since added separate festivals for Theater and Photography!)
Avalonia Festival IV, December 8, 2019 from All Beaches Experimental Theatre in Neptune Beach, Florida, USA
Avalonia Festival III, December 7, 2018 from Courthouse Center for the Arts in West Kingston, Rhode Island, USA (near University of Rhode Island)
Avalonia Festival II: 4/20 April 20, 2018 from Rhodywood Studios, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Avalonia Festival (the original) December 7, 2017 from Rhodywood Studios, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Our Circle of Champions (graphics of Award Winners)
Our new "APC" - Avalonia Photography Competition
Check out our video here about our great home venue:
HONOR. CELEBRATE. PROMOTE. This is the mantra of Avalonia Festival, a film festival you can trust! Low entry fees and a website that actually HONORS, CELEBRATES, and PROMOTES you and your work as a filmmaker, photographer, and/or Actor!
Our web pages aim to promote our festival's winners! We know that most filmmakers cannot travel to make all the festivals they are accepted into; so we make our jam-packed website an INTERACTIVE experience for the filmmaker and their fans! When every Avalonia Filmmaker sends their fans to our website, they are exposing EVERY OTHER WINNING FILMMAKER to new film fans and connections! Compare our website to any other festival and see that we earn your entry fees!
Many films (or their teasers or stills) are right on our website! Our concentration is on short films and this year we're raising the maximum time in most categories to 21 minutes and under! Films 3 minutes or 1 minute or less in duration get additional savings on entry fees! Some categories like Web-Series and TV Series have longer run time cut-off and for longer films, YOU MAY ENTER a "clip", "preview" or "scene" in any category you feel is appropriate for your work.
In addition to many traditional and unique genres to enter your film in; including Drama, Comedy, Doc, Feline, Canine, Vampire, and Romantic Comedy. Our ThoughtCrime category has proven to be very resonant with today's edgier filmmakers. Special Award Recognition has also been given to films that stand out. Recently, we added Covid-19/Pandemic Survival Film Category, Experimental Film, and Environmental Documentary.
Here is our youtube page with video clips from our previous Live Events
Here's a local news video report on Avalonia Festival IV
Here is an interview about Avalonia Festival, conducted shortly before Avalonia Festival II :
How we got our name AVALONIA:
Avalonia Festival is named in honor of a continent lost is the mists of time, as if dissipated by magic; thus we are here to celebrate the unique Art of our own world of creation, lead by our host Jean La Croix Distance. More from Jean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DXSL7gJDI4
How did our Festival Creator come to the point in life where Avalonia was so important? Discover by watching the informative and fun video "Disregard the Vampire - A Mike Messier Documentary" about indie filmmaking here:
United States (USA)