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The Barcelona Olympic Foundation, with the support of the Barcelona City Council, organizes the BCN Sports Film 2022 – 12th BARCELONA INTERNATIONAL FICTS FESTIVAL and forms part of the WORLD FICTS CHALLENGE 2022.
The BCN Sports Film 2022 will be held in Barcelona from 14th to 20th February 2022. This twelfth edition of the Festival will have a competitive nature.
The twelfth edition of the festival will have a hybrid format so, there will be face-to-face screenings and online screenings. The rights that the authors assign, therefore, are both for the face-to-face sessions that are held in the official venues of the contest, as well as for the sessions that will be held online through an online platform.
These Rules & Regulations have been approved by the BCN Sports Film 2022 Organising Committee. Your taking part in BCN Sports Film 2022 implies the total acceptance of these regulations.
One of the principal objectives of BCN Sports Film 2022 is to bring the general public into contact with sports-orientated audiovisual content and the values that they represent. Whilst offering the media, film directors, producers and specialised distributors a meeting place in which they can exchange views and information.