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Tessa Moult-Milewska

Tessa Moult-Milewska

As a writer, I am particularly drawn to character-driven stories, with a focus on strong female heroines. My work often has a distinctively dark and whimsical tone, but I also enjoy incorporating a sense of humor and some well-placed awkward jokes.

In order to share my love of animation with others, I founded the Warsaw Animation Film Festival, partnering with the post-production studio Platige Image, which has since become one of the leading animation festivals in Poland.

My awards include the Royal Television Society’s Best Postgraduate Animation award and Austin Film Festival Jury Award for “Curiosa”; the Sundance Channel Grand Jury Award for “Creatures”; Papaya Young Directors Award for “Little Red”. I have also received scholarships from the Indonesian Government, Europe Media Programme, Polish Filmmakers Association, as well as contributed as stop-motion animator to BAFTA-awarded “Do Not Feed the Pigeons”.

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