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Nicolai Troshinsky

Nicolai Troshinsky

Born in Moscow in 1985, Nicolai Troshinsky studied illustration in Madrid and later attended intensive courses with Józef Wilkon and Linda Wolfsgruber in Italy. In 2009 he graduated in the French animation filmmaking school “La Poudrière”. Since 2006 he has been working as a freelance illustrator for publishers such as Kókinos, A buen Paso, Kalandraka, Nórdica or Anaya. In 2010 he begins developing experimental videogames. His game "Loop Raccord" was selected in numerous festivals and international exhibitions. In 2013 he releases his short film "Astigmatismo" which was screened in over a hundred international film festivals such as Sundance, Annecy or Sitges, recieving multiple awards. In 2022 he released the videogame "Card Shark", made in collaboration with the studio "Nerial". At the same time, since 2009 he has been giving workshops, talks and teaching illustration and animation at several schools in Madrid.

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