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Phoebe Jane Hart

Phoebe Jane Hart

Phoebe is a filmmaker, fabricator & stop-motion animator based in Los Angeles.
Her short film BUG DINER won the Short Film Jury Award for Animation at Sundance, Special Jury Award for animation at SXSW, Audience Award for Midnight Shorts at Florida Film Festival, and Grand Jury Award for animation at Sonoma International Film Festival.
Her previous film JamieSonShine screened at Slamdance Film Festival, Thomas Edison Film Festival and more. Working in an array of mediums her work has an emphasis on dark humor and surreal imagery. She has an MFA in Experimental Animation from the California Institute of the Arts and has worked as a fabricator at Bix Pix Entertainment, Stoopid Buddy Studios and SkyPie Studios.

Films on Vurchel

Bug Diner
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