El Gouna Film Festival in Egypt Indefinitely Postponed Amid Gaza War

El Gouna film festival
El Gouna film festival

Short Summary:

Egypt's El Gouna Film Festival has been indefinitely postponed due to the war in the Gaza Strip. The festival management initially rescheduled the event by a fortnight in response to the crisis, but later decided to postpone the sixth edition indefinitely due to the challenging circumstances. Additionally, the festival pledged a donation of 5 million Egyptian pounds ($161,800) to support humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

This year's El Gouna Film Festival (GFF) in Egypt has been indefinitely postponed because of the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip. The decision was made by the festival management in consideration of the distressing situation in Gaza. Initially, the festival had shifted the dates by a two-week period, from October 13-20 to October 27-November 2, owing to the crisis. In an effort to support the humanitarian work in Gaza, the festival announced a donation of 5 million Egyptian pounds ($161,800) to various charitable organizations operating in the area.