Grace Fruit Mauzy
Grace Mauzy has 40 years of experience in consulting and as a practitioner. Specializing in Person-Centered, Holistic Psychotherapy. Grace received a Title IX Grant for Self-Esteem Workshops for Women. She has a master’s degree in Education. Specializing in Elementary and Counseling. Grace’s degree is from Teachers College, Columbia University. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in Mind-Body Medicine. Additionally, Grace has certifications as a personal fitness trainer, yoga instructor, nutritionist, reiki practitioner, and aroma therapy specialist. She is a Level 2 ski instructor at Park City Mountain Resort. Grace is researching the science behind Traumatic Brain Injury and recovery, developing the MoCrazy Method. She was one of the co-founders of the MoCrazy Strong Foundation. Her expertise, training, and experiences have afforded her a unique insight into TBI recovery. Grace is Jeanee and Jamie’s mother and the reason Jamie recovered.
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