- English
- United States (USA)
- 18 min
When professional skier Jamie MoCrazy suffered a serious traumatic brain injury following a ski accident, her life cartwheeled upside down. With the educated support of her family and medical caregivers, Jamie not only survived, but made a full recovery, helping revolutionize early stage TBI treatment, change protocol surrounding family involvement, and now inspiring others.
This award-winning documentary film takes viewers through Jamie’s story, interviewing Jamie’s ICU neuro doctor, the first responder who intubated Jamie on the mountain and a family the MoCrazy Strong team has given peer to peer brain injury guidance too. Interviews with Jamie’s family are sprinkled throughout the film winding up in present day Whistler BC, where Jamie is about to get married to the love of her life atop the mountain that almost took her life. Using a mix of archival, reenactments, verité and interview footage, we recount how Jamie overcame her critical TBI and charted a path in helping others through their injuries. The MoCrazy Strong story shows the importance of opportunities, a positive mindset, reframing challenges, person centered care and family caregiving education to rebuild your life after brain injury.
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