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Discover the films of the XVII Big Cartoon Festival on Vurchel.com

Short Summary:

Vurchel.com, a website that aggregates festival films and film festivals from all over the world, just added information on all the films that were selected for participating in the XVII Big Cartoon Festival in Moscow. The festival will run from October 27 to November 7 in cinemas and from November 20 to 27 online. On Vurchel.com, you can easily track when your favorite films become available to stream.

Are you interested in animation from different countries and cultures? Do you want to watch the latest and most creative animated films from around the world? If so, you should check out Vurchel.com, a website that aggregates festival films and film festivals from all over the world. Vurchel.com has updated its site with information on all the films that were selected for participating in the XVII Big Cartoon Festival in Moscow.

The Big Cartoon Festival is the largest international animation festival in Russia. It will be held in Moscow cinemas for the seventeenth time from October 27 to November 7, and from November 20 to 27, 2023, its programs will be available online in Russia. This year, 816 films from 79 countries were submitted for participation in the festival competitions. The Selection Committee selected 116 films for participation in the International Competition of Animated Short Films for Children and the Russian National Competition of Animated Short Films.

On Vurchel.com, you can find information on all these films, such as their titles, directors, countries, genres, plots and trailers. But most importantly, you can easily track when your favorite films become available to stream online. Just hit the heart icon next to a film title and Vurchel.com will send you a notification when that film will be available to watch online.

Don’t miss this chance to discover the amazing world of animation from the Big Cartoon Festival on Vurchel.com!

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